Monday, July 19, 2010

BC Spot Prawns Roasted with Tarragon

One of the best things about living on the coast are the BC spot prawns available in spring.  You can get them live at T&T in Chinatown and in Steveston docks and other places selling fish and seafood.   I bought some frozen in ice at Westham Island Herb Farm last week and had a feast.

You have to be extra careful not to overcook BC spot prawns because they are very very tender and delicate.   These are not tiger prawns from Costco.  

I leave the shells on the prawns to save time and to preserve the flavour and juices while cooking.   The shells contain a lot of flavour themselves so it's good to leave them on in the cooking process.

1-2 pounds prawns, with shells.
sea salt
freshly ground black pepper
Knob of fresh ginger
2-3 cloves of fresh garlic
Extra virgin olive oil
Fresh tarragon.

Heat the broiler (i.e. put the oven on broil) and put the rack about 5 inches from the element.
Line a baking sheet with foil.
Put the prawns on the baking sheet.
Sprinkle liberally with olive oil.
Grate a knob of ginger and a couple of garlic cloves onto the prawns.
Season lightly with salt and pepper.
Toss the prawns, oil, garlic, ginger with your hands and then spread the prawns out in a single layer.
Put the baking sheet with prawns into the oven for a few minutes until the prawns turn pink on both sides.  
Meanwhile, wash and chop a handful of fresh tarragon.
Remove prawns to a serving dish, add the tarragon, toss, and serve.

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