Friday, January 4, 2013

Sean's Spagetti Sauce

I am not a spagetti sauce fan.   They always taste pretty boring to me.   However, Sean aced it with this recipe, cooked at the cottage at Falcon Lake, Manitoba, summer of 2012.

Sean has the mother of all cast iron frying pans, about 3 feet in diameter.

The better the ingredients, the better the sauce.   Try to use good bacon and ground beef.

dried herbs (oregano, basil, etc.)
2 garlic heads
ground beef
balsamic vinegar
2 cans Roma tomatoes

Put several garlic heads into the oven to roast.   Extrude the garlic from the outer wrappings.
Roast (blacken) some whole peppers in the oven.  Remove from the oven carefully and place in a bowl to preserve the liquid.  Remove the skin, stem and seeds, keep the liquid, and chop up the peppers.
Cut up the bacon and fry to render the fat.   Set aside bacon and leave the fat in the pan.
Slice the onions into fine strips and fry in the bacon fat until carmelized (about 1 hour).
Add dried herbs to the pan to toast.
Add some good wine to deglaze.
Remove the onions from the pan and set aside.
Add the ground beef and brown.
Add the garlic, peppers, bacon, onions, to the pan.
Add some balsamic vinegar
Chop the tomatoes and add.
Simmer until everything is cooked.

Better the next day.

Cedes' Cinnamon Applesauce

My niece Mercedes, age 9, wrote this one out for me.   We had it with waffles and it was wonderful.   I had no idea you could use so much cinnamon.

1/2 cup cinnamon (ground)
2 apples cut in small bites
stir around in the bowl
pinch of brown sugar
stir and now it's ready to eat

Actually, I am not sure of the portions, so you will have to use the basta policy, but put enough cinnamon in to make the sauce dark brown, and cook on the stove until soft (also add some butter).